Surface Area : 564 m2 (12 m x 47 m)
Building Area : 367 m2 (12 m x 30,6 m)
Unit Type T12

Factory and Office Floor : Reinforced concrete, 15 cm floor thickness
Driveway / Parking Area : Reinforced concrete, 15 cm floor thickness/Aspalt
Factory Ventilation : Natural blower ventilation
Clean Water Installation : PVC piping
Sanitary : Squatting closet + mono block second floor
Building Structure : Steel frame
Wall : Brick wall, plastered
Roof : Corrugated metal sheet: Galvanized wire fencing
Factory Main Door : Folding door
Door / Windows : Glass with aluminium frame (frontage) Wooden frame with double teak wood (toilets)
Power Supply : 4.400VA (Prepaid)
Clean Water Supply : PDAM (State Water Company)
Pantry : Stainless steel kitchen sink
Telephone : 1 Line
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